Monday, September 30, 2019

Response Paper on Black Elk Speaks

Nicholas Black Elk, Lakota visionary and healer communicates his painful conclusion to John G. Neihardt at the end of his interviews in the following way: â€Å"[†¦]The nation’s hoop is broken and scattered. There is no center any longer, and the sacred tree is dead†(207). After he narrates the unspeakable tragedy of his nation, the concluding lines mark the tragic end of a personal life and that of a national displacement. Black Elk Speaks reads as a mourning text, commemorating a cultural loss. Black Elk attributes the loss of cultural values to the symbolic loss of the circle, the location of the Power of the World. As in nature everything moves cyclically and repetitively, the life of Native Americans was also organized around this principle: they built their tepees on a circular frame and the community’s structure was also circular. â€Å"Our tepees were round like the nests of birds and these were always set in a circle, the nation’s hoop, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children (150-51)†. However, when they were moved to the grey, square houses of the reservation, this power was lost forever; despair, cultural displacement took the place of the older, happier days. What is to mourn the loss of identity? How to work through such a trauma? A form of individual and communal working-through can be found in the presence of dreams and in the decoding of their meanings. Native American dream-visions (also called prophetic dreams) were interpreted by the whole community, and functioned as healing, recuperating activities for the tribe. Freud in his Inhibitions, symptoms, and anxiety also emphasised that dreams can express and thereby help to deal with anxiety (77-172). In Black Elk Speaks the holy visionaries and medicine men serve as healers of the nation, but when they fail to interpret and fulfil their prophetic dreams, working-through becomes impossible for the community: â€Å"it is hard to follow one great vision in this world of darkness and of many changing shadows. Among those shadows men get lost† (Black Elk 192) and he also stresses while referring to the massacre at Wounded Knee that â€Å"a people’s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream† (Black Elk 207). Thus, the restoration of a cultural identity becomes impossible as Black Elk also fails to fulfill his mission he was given in his dream, that of healing, ameliorating individual and/or communal pains.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Health Care Issues Essay

According to Women’s Health Resource (2011) â€Å"breast cancer is a serious issue that will affect almost every women worldwide, either directly as someone diagnosed with cancer, or indirectly through the illness of a loved one†( Home, para. 1). In the United States breast cancer is the found in women in their early twenties and thirties. These individuals are more prone to breast cancer because she has a family history of breast cancer. In 2006, approximately 212, 920 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States (Women’s Health Resource, 2011). The case scenario below will discuss ethical and legal issues regarding a female patient with breast cancer, which refuses treatment for breast cancer. Additionally, the scenario will cover the following four ethical principles: respect for persons/autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence that relates to the case scenario (Bishop, 2003). Case Scenario A 25-year-old female patient made an appointment with her primary care physician because she discovered a lump on her breast. She went to her appointment with her primary care physician the following day. The physician examined her breast and discovered a lump on her breast, so he made a referral for her to see an oncologist in which can diagnose her if she has breast cancer. An oncologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnoses and treatment cancer (The Denise Roberts Breast Cancer Foundation, 2009). The following are the three main types of oncologist: medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, and surgical oncologist, which can practice in hospitals and research centers. The female patient can make an appointment with the oncologist in which he will inform about her condition and different types of treatments available to her in which can reduce her chance of death as well conduct a biopsy. The biopsy will determine if she has breast cancer. The ethical issues are very clear, and they are respect for autonomy and beneficence. Additionally, the legal or ethical principles involved with breast cancer are no different from any other medical  treatment/intervention. Autonomy and Informed Consent As stated by Bishop (2003), â€Å"respect for persons/autonomy is that a physician acknowledges a person’s right to make choices, to hold views, and take actions based on personal values, and beliefs† (p. 7). In order for an adult to refuse treatment, he or she must be legally and mentally capable by meeting the following criteria: 18 years or older, understands the nature of the condition, and voluntary. Additionally, parents with children under the age of 18 have the right to consent to treatment as well refusing treatment for his or her child. As recognized by Miller et al. (2000), physicians have a moral and legal obligation to comply with a patient’s voluntary, informed refusal of life sustaining treatment, regardless of a physician judgment concerning the medical or moral appropriateness of this. In the case of the 25-year-old female patient with breast cancer she rejected medical treatment and was informed by the oncologist about the terminal illness. Death is seen as failure, rather than an important part of life (Smith, 2000). A conflict can arise with the patient because of the decision she made about not receiving care, which can likely end her life. The oncologist is obligated to inform or educate the patient about breast cancer, benefits of treatments, and risks involved with no treatment. The following are treatment options for cancer patients: lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical reconstruction (Women’s Health Resource, 2011). Although a physician can suggest benefits of any type of treatment the patient has the freedom to choose if he or she wants the treatment as well as ensuring the patient understand his or her own condition. When a patient refuses treatment for breast cancer or any medical condition, the issue of autonomy becomes difficult because of the serious health consequences. The health care professional will offer the patient different options for treatment when this occurs. As stated before the physician should consult with the patient about his or her decision because nurses have ethics and codes of conduct in which he or she must follow. Nurses must care for patients while taking care of him or her as  well as respecting and supporting the patient rights to decline treatment at anytime (Stringer, 2009). Medical professionals should respect the autonomy of patient decisions because it is a critical in the health care industry. Beneficence Rosenthal (2006), the principle of beneficence means that the health care provider must promote the well-being of patients and avoid harm them. Once a patient refuses treatment the health care professional must communicate the harm associated with no treatment for his or her condition. This can play a major role in how beneficence and maleficence is judged. When a patient has breast cancer and refuses treatment there is not another alternative option for the patient. During this principle the health care professional should ensure that he or she is maximizing possible benefits for the patients and minimizing harm when dealing with treatments. The health care professional can suggest certain treatments but the patient does not have to receive any care for his or her condition. When this occurs the physician will focus on different conflict resolutions for the care as well as services. A health care professional job is to offer quality of care to the patient in which he or she will ben efit from the medical treatment. During this principle, the health care professional will act with compassion when informing the patient about the potential benefits and risks for any medical condition. A patient is reliant upon the health care professional for someone who is caring and willing to share in the responsibility as well as treating him or her with dignity and respect. The 25-year-old female does not want treatment in which makes it hard for the oncologist to provide quality of care during the consultation and care. Non-maleficence Rosenthal (2006), during this principle, the health care provider ought to strive not to inflict harm to a patient, a requirement also seen as a duty not to refrain from aiding a patient. In addition, this principle will coincide with beneficence because it is reducing the harm to any patient  although a patient refuses care/treatment. The health care professional is obligated to help the patients to the best of his or her ability by providing benefits, protecting the patient’s interest, and promoting welfare. Additionally, how, and what the health care professional does for a patient should have greater chance of benefiting the patient than harming the patient. This is done by risk benefit analyses, where the health care professional can conduct research on the condition and different medications. The health care professional should explain any side effects for treatments as well as medications that the patient will become knowledgeable about options for his or her conditio n. Justice The principle of justice means to treat others equitably, distribute benefits/burdens fairly (Bishop, 2003). In addition, it is very important for the health care professional to keep a patient informed about treatments and he or she should not provide misinformation to the patient. A major issue with this principle is economic barriers can interfere with a patient when trying to receive treatment and medication. The health care organization is required to provide services/care to a patient regardless of health care coverage, especially the uninsured In addition, the department should that all patients are treated equally regardless of age, race, and ethnicity. Additionally, this principle will focus on justice, which will provide care/treatment regardless of the patient demographics or ethical issues he or she encounters with the health care professional. During this principle, the patient is treated with dignity and respect even though he or she refused care/treatment for any medic al condition. Conclusion Refusal of care is one of the most common ethical dilemmas in the health care industry, which is often difficult to resolve when his or her well-being is threaten. The health care professional must determine, which aspects of autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence a patient want before providing care. Administrators within a medical facility must  examine the following underlying issues: competence of a patient, the distinction between apparent, and real refusal of care (Michels, 1981). A physician has the legal duty to provide and ensure the patient with sufficient information about treatment and care when he or she is at the facility. Additionally, an ethical dilemma will exist because of a patient’s right will conflict with a physician obligation of providing quality of care to an individual. This was the case with the 25-year-old female with breast cancer. References Bishop, L. (2003). Ethics Background. Kennedy Institute of Ethics. Retrieved on June 8, 2011 from: Michels, R. (1981). The Right to Refuse Treatment: Ethical Issues. American Psychiatric Association, 32(1), 251-255. Miller, F., Fins, J., & Snyder, L. (2000). Assisted suicide compared with refusal of treatment: a valid distinction?.Annals of Internal Medicine, 132(6), 470-475. Rosenthal, S. M. (2006). Patient Misconceptions and Ethical Challenges in Radioactive Iodine Scanning and Therapy. Journal if Nuclear Medicine Technology, 34( 3), 143-150. Smith, R. (2000). A good death: an important aim for health services and for us all. . British Medical Journal, 320(7228), 129-130. Stringer, S. (2009). Ethical issues involved in patient refusal of life-saving treatment. Cancer Nursing Practice, 8(3), 30-33. The Denise Roberts Breast Cancer Foundation . (2009). What is an Oncologist? Retrieved June 17, 2011 from Women’s Health Resource. (2011). Breast Cancer. Retrieved on June 17, 2011 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Amorok by Mike Oldfield

Coming from the mastermind behind Tubular Bells, comes an album title you shouldnt confuse for Ragnarok. This hour long song/album is nothing but atmosphere, instrumentals and progressive rock in general.If you all DONT know by now, I love progressive rock because of the technicality, what you can do with it, some of the stories;if any, and the atmosphere behind it all. Mike Oldfield surely gets a reward for all of the following that I mentioned. There are flowing transitions everywhere, some crazy and some relaxing sound effects and synths, and some sick instrumentals. For those of you who are well versed in Morse Code, you may want to look out especially at around the 48 minute mark. Oldfield has a message to Virgin Records telling them how much he dislikes the,label with the phrase F$k off, RB which is not exactly nessessary but The More You Know. While some of the sounds and sections get repetitive at times, you cant help but like the very soothing and sometimes hypnotic synths present within. The hour long song has arrived people, enjoy it and worship it if you will. I give this album a 9.5/10.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Individual project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual project 3 - Essay Example There are two types of Currency Markets; Spot Market is basically a market where immediate transactions take place. Once the transactions are made, they are recorded by the 2nd business day. The main participants by market include brokers commercial banks customers of commercial and central banks Sources of spot quotations come from all major newspapers and major currencies that use different quotes. The spot market has varying prices depending on the number of days from say 30-day through 60-day to 180-day. The spot market recognizes the customers even when making quotations. The costs of Transactions Costs will depend on the market trends as well as a bid-spread basis. This helps us to formulate the spot as well as forward exchange rates. The bid represents the price or cost at which the bidder (mostly bank) is willing to buy while the ask equals to the price at which the bidder will sell the currency bought. The other type of currency market is the forward Market. In this form of currency market, transactions take place only at a specified future date or time. It is characterized by ; arbitrageurs traders hedgers speculators The forward market forms’ main aim is to among other things reduce the cost of trading and provide liquidity. It also serves to threaten people mainly traders of oligopoly of information. This form of currency market is more popular that the former as it boasts of a large market size. For instance, the market a trend in a research done annually in 1995 and that on a daily basis in some major cities is as below. 1995: $1.2 trillion dailyMarket Centers (1995) London =$464 billion New York= $244 billion Tokyo = $161 billion In order to effectively handle the assignment, I have broken it down as below so that it is easier to follow through. To calculate the spot and 12-month forward exchange rates we will first to calculate the PS for both German and China currencies. USA German Revenues forecast =$500 million operations=â‚ ¬100 mi llion Operations=$300million ROS= 12% ROS= 10%= net income China Operations=650 million yuan ROS= 8% This can be done by following a formula given below. 1. 10% of $300=$30 PS= {ask-bid}/ask*100 PS= ({$300-$30}/$300)*100 = $90miliion 2. 12% of â‚ ¬100= â‚ ¬12 PS= {ask-bid}/ask*100 PS= ({â‚ ¬100-â‚ ¬12}/â‚ ¬100)*100 =â‚ ¬88million 3. 8% 650 million yuan= 52 million yuan PS= {ask-bid}/ask*100 = {650-52/650}*100 =92 million yuan The forward exchange rate for German will be 90/88 or $1.0227. Whereas, the forward exchange rate for China will be 90/92 or $0.978. Repatriation can be termed as the process of changing a foreign currency into that of an owner’s country. This is usually dependent on the exchange rate between the two currencies caused by disparities between the economies of scale. A good example would be a South African converting American pound back into South African rand so that they are able to use it. While exchanging the money, the trader will be exposed to something called foreign exchange risk. This is when the trader decides to engage in a foreign exchange swap. In a spot transaction, the condition is that of a bid-ask condition. Therefore, depending on how much the bidder (bank) is willing to offer and how much it will sell then the trader will decide whether to be involved in the transaction. So for instance if the bank is in need of the currency, the trader might actually make a profit out of it(Sellon, 1998, 147-177). In the outright forward repatriation,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Still-Life Photography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Still-Life Photography - Assignment Example rounds such as a simple painted wall or a huge sheet of colored or white paper depicting two wedding rings is a perfect example of a shot that highlights subtle ways to enhance the grandeur of keeping things simple. Sometimes contrasting backgrounds with mild tones also influence shades for a lasting output. Tiny objects don’t require a backdrop as much as they need a surface for placing the items for creating an ideal look. In most cases, black velvet is mostly preferred as it is well known to absorb enormous light and turns the surface into a solid black. When it boils down to lighting, not many of us can look at having studio lights for creating that effect which is highly expensive. It is possible to choose lighting within budget and utilize it to the maximum effect to create a perfect impression. I have also sensed that by blocking out the natural light from my room using curtains has enabled in gaining absolute control over my subject. Dim or bright lamps can work wonders for creating a standard and effective output. Back lighting creates an enormous depth to the shot and adds substantial interest to the subject much more than front or side lighting. A combination of rays from natural light and that of the lamp draws a visual appeal with far-reaching and astonishingly positive

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 26

Personal statement - Essay Example Without it the resources of production remain resources and never become production† (p.147). This proves that management is a crucial activity for the welfare of a business. This is probably one of the reasons why I have chosen business management as the subject in university. I also believe that business management is a vast topic and is applicable to every sphere of business. I have always found business management to be an interesting subject for its scope and range. In the early days of my academic career, I never thought of making business management as a profession, but as soon I become aware of the concept I did not give a second thought and decided to pursue a career in this domain. The interest further grew when I started to oversee our family business which was initiated by my father long back. I have personally experienced the role played by business management in driving our firm towards success. The incident happened 3 years back when our family business was not doing well and for consecutive 3 months, we suffered hefty monetary losses. At this point of time my father stepped in as a manager, despite being the owner. I have seen him to appl y all the concepts of management such as planning, controlling, motivating and administering in the business to identify and rectify the root causes. As a result of the application of the management concepts, our business again became organized and started to earn profits. This episode has really fostered me to believe in business management as a profession in the future. The high school learning has helped me to identify the advantages and disadvantages of this subject, yet I always felt that I need to learn more about the subject. This eagerness to learn the subject still drives me and is one of the major factors that encouraged me to apply business and management course in the university. I believe that my work experience as an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

A business report - Essay Example The mind emanates from the brain and is composed of the processes of the brain. The mind exists only with the presence of the brain. However, the mind is not the same as the brain. Descartes’ dualism theory tried to explain the existence of the mind and body as two fundamentally different articles. However, there are a number of scientific phenomena which indicate the evidence of the mind being a product of the brain. In this regard, once the brain is not able to exist, (such as by death) the mind will also not exist. Immortality would not be able to exist because the soft parts of the human existence (the mind) are dependent on the physical existence of the persons (the physical body). Immortality could therefore only exist if the human body existed. However, with the death of the body, the immortality of the mind (or souls for that matter) would not achieve immortality. There is no substantiation that can be offered to indicate that the soul or the mind lives past death (destruction of the physical being). Locke theory is supportive of this as it identified the personality of an individual as depending on the memories, which die after

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


COMMERCIAL AWARENESS AND PROFESSIONAL ETHICS - Essay Example that professional ethics is a constant feature in the legal profession, modern legal practice has attracted renewed attention to how professional ethics applies to the profession. For example, while discourse on professional ethics in legal practice tended to focus more on sensational cases such as lawyers knowingly keeping a secret that is life-threatening, some modern scholars are advocating for an interpretive approach that focuses on ordinary cases. According to Markovits, using sensational cases to analyze or evaluate professional ethics in the legal practice is contrary to the principle that ‘great cases make bad laws’.1 The purpose of this paper is to assess the content and role of ethics in modern legal practice. Ethics is a broad topic. Even within the legal practice, the subject of ethics covers a wide range of issues and areas. There are volumes of books, articles, and publications on professional ethics as it applies to the legal practice. However, to understand the general content of ethics in the modern legal practice, it is important to focus narrowly on some of the most recent discourses on ethics. In this respect, the paper will focus on the Model Code developed and administered by the American Bar Association (ABA). Some of the main ethical issues contain the Model Code of client-lawyer relationship, professional integrity, and information management. It is worth noting that the Model Code has undergone various revisions to fit the modern legal practice because the original canons were specifically meant for the legal practice in the past.2 Under professional ethics for practicing lawyers, one of the fundamental principles is the need for a professional and confidential relationship between the lawyer and the client. Under this ethical principle, several issues are covered including confidentiality, fees, conflicts of interest, and professionalism. For instance, it would be considered unethical for a lawyer to engage with a client with whom

Monday, September 23, 2019

Team, Groups and Diversity In the Workplace Essay

Team, Groups and Diversity In the Workplace - Essay Example Back in the old days, the big players were top management; however, business structures have changed placing emphasis on the crucial role of business units known as â€Å"teams† or groups†. Although we often hear these two words used interchangeably, it would be best for any leader to know the significant difference between the two. Group or Team: Why It Matters The most common definition of a group given by social scientists is that it is composed of two or more people that have social interaction which seems quite simple. So two or three people stranded in an elevator is already considered a group. However, Katzenbach and Smith (1993) defined group as â€Å" two or more people who interact primarily to share information, best practices, or perspectives and to make decisions to help each individual perform within his or her area of responsibility† ( qtd. from Kane,1998). There is no need to meet a performance need nor to share accountability, according to the aut hors. They simply have to share experiences and help one another. On the other hand, aâ€Å"  team is a group of people coming together interdependently and cooperatively by accomplishing a purpose and goal. We know that working in a team, they will be conflicts, but assisting each other, we can build a firm team. ( De Janasz-Dowd-Schneider, 2005,Pg.187)  . The description can be plainly seen in the workings of any athletic team who need to train together for one purpose: win a championship. A small group can become a valuable team to any business unit. Once the team members are collective in their purpose and action, the leader would just steer them in the right direction for success to follow. However, one of the challenges in the work place today is diversity because globalization makes people from different cultures to work together. It is expected that conflicts would arise because people have different opinions on a certain issue. Challenges To A Team Hofstede’s st atement is clear â€Å"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster†. A diverse workplace presents different cultures which cannot be avoided. Culture is inherent in a society, and that culture affects and influences the way that particular society conducts its business (Henry, 1999). Nonetheless, even teams composed of one nationality would always have conflicts because humans have different beliefs. Katzenbach and Smith (1993), write in an article titled, The discipline of teams, note â€Å"When individuals approach a team situation, especially in a business setting, each has preexisting job assignments as well as strengths and weaknesses reflecting a variety of talents, backgrounds, personalities, and prejudices† (p. 168). Hence, team leaders need to face the challenge of bringing talented people together who may often disagree on a issue. Team leaders can be effective un dealing with co nflicts by helping members cultivate trust and respect to other members of team. A team leader can place guidelines that can help the team achieve its objectives. Instead of criticizing a team member who is not performing well, assistance must be given first to enable that team member cope with the group. The Importance of Diversity While diversity may bring challenges to an organization, particularly to a team, it can also contribute to the success of an organization. First of all, diversity encourages creativity so people in a diverse team can come up with new products and services. Second, having a diverse set of team members would ensure you that your organization is attuned to global customers. Consumers are not only concentrated

Sunday, September 22, 2019

European History Essay Example for Free

European History Essay During the time period of the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century the concept of what nobility is and what it was conceived to be varied greatly as more modern thoughts developed and desperation of monarchs grew to meet such demand. The arguments related to nobility differed greatly, but these were the most crucial; the difference between the sword and the robe and the right to even hold such a position at all. The nobles from military decent (the sword) have an extensive lineage that allows them to perform certain tasks as described by Jean de La Taille in the poem â€Å"The Retired Courtier,† the words speak of the need to be a noble, to be a pure noble, to hold the position of a courtier [Doc 1]. King Louis XIII has proclaimed in the Declaration of Duels and Affairs of Honor that nobles bought into the nobility are wasting time fighting with the nobles of military decent should rather have spent that energy defending the country that gives them such authority in the first place [Doc 6]. King Louis XIII only wants the political emancipation from such a minor distraction as this controversy caused such a up roar of the masses. Gilles Andre de La Roque said, â€Å"You can’t just earn the title of nobility because you lack the family necessary for it† [Doc 9]. On that note, note everyone had the exact same idea as to what makes a noble, a noble. Marc-Antoine Millotet supported the rights of being a robe nobleman being that it was acquired by law, so as to make it just [Doc 7]. This belief was most likely due to the fact that he was a Judge thus, influencing the idea of law. Moliere created the scene in â€Å"Dom Juan† that nobility is not earned through birth, but by the actions of ced person [Doc 8]. He could have possibly thought that this because of his non-nobility status and his role thespianism, meaning only nobles would watch plays anyways. King Louis XVI changed the way the monarchy viewed the rights to nobility by stating you don’t have to fight in war to gain noble recognition any nobility involvement will do [Doc 10]. Although, people feuded about which noble was the right noble some didn’t even believe it should exist. Pierre de La Primaudaye thought nobility needed self-worth before such nobility were to even be inherited; he said you need to contribute to the family name [Doc 2]. Villagers of Mondeville in a testimony to the Parlement that nobility isn’t a perfect breed they shouldn’t hold such prestige over other people, saying that Pierre Morin believed his noble status gives him the right to mistreat anyone who is not royal or noble [Doc 3]. Henry, Prince of Conde spoke about the current nobility buying their way into offices, saying that there is no reward for virtue or tradition of family since all power now belongs to favors, alliances, kinship, and money [Doc 4]. Henry perhaps felt a need to say what was on his mind as he saw the immediate nobility change in the court around him causing much stress and indifference. Over the period of the late sixteenth century to the late eighteenth century nobility changed its influences on the public and the royal court this led to arguments such as the difference of the sword and robe nobles to the idea of not having nobles at all. This controversy will continue as the struggle for power continues in the higher classes in European governments or when the idea of monarchy ends entirely.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why is Corporate Governance Important?

Why is Corporate Governance Important? What is Corporate Governance? Why is it important for Business? Corporate Governance can be defined as the organizational structure of a company. It encompasses the overall processes, operations and policies by which a company is controlled and functions. According to James McRitchie corporate governance is  ¹most often viewed as both the structure and the relationships which determine corporate direction and performance`. Within the governing body of a corporation there are various stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals which are of great importance to the company because they contribute directly or indirectly to its economic activity. Stakeholders retain different degrees of importance within an organization depending on their title or function which are some of the following: shareholders, the board of directors, employees, customers, creditors and suppliers. All together this group of individuals defines a corporate community in which day to day business is conducted and must be sustained in order for the company to survive. Similar to any other community, where there are conflicts of interests, miscommunication, or other organizational problems it affects the entire community and others around it. However is this applicable to the business world? Is corporate governance important for business? Firstly corporate governance implies the notion of hierarchy. As mentioned above the rights and importance of any stakeholders involved in the economic life of the company varies in function of the roles the individual holds. Following this logic we can identify the key actors within the governing structure of a company: shareholders who own shares of stock and have a right of ownership over the dividends which they receive from their stock and the right to vote on company matters such as electing the board of directors. In return the members on the board of directors oversee the management of the company and are paid in cash or stock for the responsibilities they are obliged to fulfill by contract to the company. In terms of internal management the employees of the company supply their skill and expertise in exchange for financial compensation (salary and bonuses). Another important stakeholder is the customer, who pays for the companys product or services because he/she believes in the value it retains for them. Amongst other stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors the customer is essential to a companys activity because a satisfied customer base represents 80% of a companys profits. In order for us to understand corporate governance it is important for us to comprehend that it is a multi-lateral issue, and thus it influences the choices of stakeholders and the outcome of company transactions and relations with the rest of the world. It is important for companies to take into account external factors such as: competition. In order to stay solvent and relevant, companies must engage respective strategies and face other corporate adversaries on the free market. Equally debt management is important as companies need to make sure that their assets outweigh any short-term and long-term debts on a regular basis. Also government regulations should be taken into account as they differ from country to country. For example in the United States corporate governance is known to be very free-market orientated but in North Korea legislation has a tough hold on corporate decisions. Finally the media and other instances are actors of external pressure as they force companies to uphold a certain social standard in their day to day operations, public relations and more and more today their ecological impact on the environment. In todays economic climate no company can afford to be scrutinized in the mass media as this decreases th eir popularity and trust with clients. The trust of clients is an immeasurable asset that can almost never be reacquired once it is lost. Take for example the American International Group that was under a severe media backlash back in 2009 after it was discovered that it was paying huge bonuses to employees of its financial services department during the financial crisis. President Obama expressed his discontentment during a press conference:  ²its hard to understand how derivative traders at A.I.G. warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay. How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat? Existing customers and potential customers need to be reassured by a companys, performance history, social responsibility initiatives but overall its integrity. And this is why corporate governance is critical for business; the atmosphere which it creates has to be one of congruence where it can be held accountable for doing what it says and what it stands for. Another one of the facets of this is issue the internal domain of corporate governance, where the management structure (CEO, middle management) is concerned with maximizing company profits in order to increase shareholders profits. This is motivated by a prospect of self-interest and higher gain (promotion, bonus etc†¦) which generates a need to perform in order to reach that goal. Likewise employees are motivated in a similar way to do their job. However their needs are not directly correlated with that of the members of the upper management structure who have larger responsibilities and more information within the same organization. This situation is called information asymmetry when one corporate body has more information than another. This can create conflict within the workplace if this type of imbalance is not managed. Furthermore employees working in high profile positions such as CEOs may be prone to act out of character and make bad decisions because of the immunity the y may enjoy through their status. For example the Jerome Kerviel former French trader of Societe Generale abused of the companys confidence to commit fraudulent transactions during his late professional career. As a result, the company lost:  ³near â‚ ¬5 billion ( £3.7 billion) in a rogue trading fraud according to the London Times. This example of bad behavior known as a moral hazard, when an individual protected from risk within an organization behaves differently than he or she would have behaved if they were fully exposed to the risks they took. In order for companies to protect their clients and themselves from similar fates they must implement effective rules and regulations that enable internal and external auditing bodies to monitor theyre day to day activities. Therefore rules that corporate governance create must be strong, as the Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli said: Where there are sound laws there is a strong army, for there cannot be a strong army where there are not sound laws. Corporate law ensures that natural rules and regulations are in place in order to encourage correct business practices in the corporate world. Overall good corporate governance should input regular auditing processes. Interiorly, within the company itself an internal auditing body should monitor the companys financial health. In addition to this, the same should be implemented exteriorly through an external auditing company in order to get an objective perspective on company statements and verify their integrity. Also a sound board and management system must be put in place, separating every main executive function throughout the organization. Historically this minimizes the moral hazard factor in the workspace and encourages transparency and a clear flow of information within the institution. The Toyota Motor Company is a fine example of this; the company management structure allows the free flow of information and enables each employee to contribute to operational activities at every scale of the production process. This has had positive effects for Toyota mainly in terms of productivity and logistics efficiency. Finally all stakeholders should be aware of their rights and duties; this minimizes confusion in long-term strategy and goals of the company. Furthermore a clear ownership structure is critical to a corporations legal validity; it has to be a registered and recognized institution according to the appropriate corporate law regulation of the country in which in conducts its business. In conclusion corporate governance is an important component of business. As we have demonstrated affects every facet of business organizations and the various stakeholders involved. Furthermore because of the hierarchal nature of corporate governance it becomes evident that good leadership is equally essential. Members within executive, managerial, technical and administrative positions have to work within their respective roles to create an atmosphere of seamless affinity in terms of corporate governance. Leadership is important but in the context of corporate governance the whole body of the organization is vital, hence the root of the word corp in corporate. Nevertheless corporate governance must retain a standard of order; this is where the term governance gains more weight. Historical facts show that sustained order is the key to the long-term effectiveness of an organization; General Electric is prime case of this. Within the 200 year life span of the company, good choices and exceptional leadership have made General Electric today the most valuable company in the United States with a market cap of 300 billion US dollars. From this we can draw the conclusion that corporate governance is indeed important and will surely continue to gain more and more value in the world of business in the future.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Affliction :: essays papers

Affliction Affliction, based on the novel by Russell Banks, was very interesting, mysterious, and kept you guessing up until it was over. The actors/actresses portrayed in the movie was Wade Whitehouse (Nick Nolte), Wade’s girlfriend Margie Fogg (Sissy Spacek), Glen Whitehouse (James Coburn), Rolfe Whitehouse (William Defoe), Lillian (Mary Beth Hurt), Jill (Brigid Tierney), and Jack Hewit (Jim True). The movie begins by Rolfe Whitehouse (William Defoe) narrating the movie about a phone call he received from his brother, Wade Whitehouse (Nick Nolte), the night after Halloween, which was what lead up to Wade’s mysterious disappearance. Using a narrative approach in the movie was an excellent choice for the plot. It made you feel as if something was going to take place in this town, but no clues were given. In the movie Defoe not only does the narration, but also plays Wade’s (Nick Nolte) brother. Defoe’s character grows up, moves away and becomes a schoolteacher. This was something different for Defoe, but by using a quite and soft-spoken tone it made his character fit smoothly into the plot. Flashing back to the night of Halloween. Wade is driving Jill his daughter (Bridgid Tierney) to her ex-school’s Halloween festival. It is obvious; Jill does not want to be there. She feels that her father is very confused and mixed-up. After Wade and Jill get into an argument, Jill calls her mom to come get her. When Lillian (Mary Beth Hurt) Wade’s ex-wife arrives, it is obvious that Wade doesn’t want Lillian (Mary Beth Hurt) to have custody of Jill. Which caused him to seek lawyer for custody of Jill. During the movie Wade Whitehouse states his love for his daughter many times. It would have helped to have flashback scenes, to feel Wade’s emotions and urging to be a good father. The setting takes place during the winter in a small town in upstate New Hampshire. The director made a good move by using the effect of winter and snow, which contributed to the character of Wade Whitehouse. The gloominess in the midst of winter made Wade’s depression, loneliness, and uncertainty about his life come together. Although, you would of thought that Jack Nicholson would of played in this type of movie, but Nick Nolte came through did his self-justice by portraying Wade Whitehouse in the movie.

Baptism :: essays research papers

“Baptism';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Greek language of Jesus’ day, the word baptizo meant to dip or immerse an object in water. In its Christian use baptizo came to mean the act of Baptism, or the washing and cleansing of something to renew it. Jesus’ Baptism took place in the Jordan River. (Gospel According to Mark) John, an apostle, was the man responsible for this glorious moment in religious history. Later, he would be known as John the Baptist because of this. During the baptism God spoke from the Heavens through his spirit, proclaiming baby Jesus to be his beloved son. “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the Baptism, the Holy Trinity was made known to us by the presence of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Through the waters of Baptism we share in Christ’s death and resurrection. The water symbolizes not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience towards God. Baptism is a declaration to the world that says, “I have died to the old way of life. Sin will no longer rule over me for my old self has been buried. I have been resurrected by the power of God to live a new life in Christ Jesus';. Through Baptism we are given our Christian name by our parents, which is blessed by the priest, or deacon, using the Trinitarian Formula. (“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I name you…';) This is the beginning of our lifelong relationship with God in His church. First we must believe and have faith in the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit during the Baptism of Jesus. In the scriptures a ccording to Mark, (16:16), Jesus said: “Whoever believes and is baptized, will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These words show us that all our invited to be one with Christ, and none will be segregated regardless of race, color or creed. We can all be initiated into the Church of Christ through this first basic sacrament of Baptism. We break our ties with the original sin that we are born with, and are set free.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through the scriptures we know that the disciples were authorized to baptize the people. In the Gospel according to Mathew, (28:19), Jesus said: “Go to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptize them, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit';

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Passing Thunderstorm :: essays research papers

A Passing Thunderstorm   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one returns home from work or school, the first thing he wants is relaxation. Some factors that can affect relaxation are sights, sounds, and feelings. To achieve the most relaxing environment at your home, you must have ideal weather conditions. Different weather can affect these factors. There is not a more relaxing atmosphere than a cozy house while a light thunderstorm passes overhead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An oncoming thunderstorm should visibly change your atmosphere. One can look out the window and see the trees swaying easily in the wind. One should turn off all the lights as to sooth your sense of sight. The turning off of lights and the blocking of the sun by clouds will both darken your house making the perfect place to go rest or even nap. Some people may choose to light a fire in which case the flames would glow on all the walls.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A thunderstorm can produce some soothing sounds as it passes overhead. The light rain tapping at one’s window provides a comforting pattern for resting. The sound of thunder sounds like volleys of cannons being fired repeatedly in the distance. One knows the fire is hard at work by the crackling of the flames. One can hear the whistling wind sweeping the corners of your house repeatedly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Along with the thunderstorm comes a lower temperature. All one wants to do is bury himself in his bed. The soft bed provides the most comfort and easiness for your body. The brisk warmth of the fire enwraps the body in comfort. The sounds uniform sounds of the thunderstorm calm your mind. All these feeling combined will bring restfulness upon oneself.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

History book report Essay

It is the circumstances and the characters of the founding â€Å"brothers,† their ideological as well as personal conflicts that created the US as a nation. SUMMARY Here is a presentation of US History—the creation of a new nation that does not attempt to consolidate events into a general account that suggests the inevitability of the Declaration of Independence but examines history in light of a handful of episodes involving central personages, their passions and conflicts that reveal as much of the creation of the nation after the Constitutional Convention. At one end were the Federalists including Washington, Hamilton and Adams who believed that revolution was a necessary step in order to build US nationhood as embodied by the newly established federal government. On the other were the Republicans including Jefferson and Madison who saw revolution in its liberating character, holding the Declaration of Independence as most sacred, in contrast to the Federalists who consider the Constitution most dear. At that time, there was no notion of valid opposition. Both sides thought about the other’s position as treasonable. These are the circumstances that surround the duel between Hamilton and Barr, which led to the former’s death and cost the latter’s political career. These are the circumstances that led to Washington’s non-acceptance of a third term as well as Jefferson’s treacherous vilification of his friend, John Adams. This high level of political tension led to the compromise in 1790 to appease the Southern states, as a result of fear of the states’ secession (despite both parties’ belief that slavery was inconsistent with the principles embodied by the Revolution). In all stages of these events, the characters were aware of that they were in fact, making history. BOOK REVIEWS 1. In Bobrick’s (2000) review of the Founding Brothers, he compared the Ellis’ style to Lytton Strachey, the author of Eminent Victorians. But according to him, Ellis was different in a way that the latter never veered towards making a caricature of the characters. He described the book as â€Å"splendid†¦ humane, learned, written with flair and radiant with a calm intelligence and wit. † He also guaranteed that even those who are familiar with the â€Å"revolutionary generation† will find the book to be both captivating and enlightening of the first years of America as a nation. 2. Meanwhile, Hodgson (2002) said that Ellis’ method made possible the retention by general readers of their interest in a highly-intelligent discussion of 18th century politics. He thinks that The Founding Brothers is one of those rare books/analyses that can be read for pleasure. But despite these comments, he also notes that Ellis’ work suffers the characteristics of â€Å"American Exceptionalism† and failing to acknowledge Britain’s version of history. The Independent, where Hodgson’s review was published is a British newspaper. REACTION TO BOOK REVIEWS There is nothing surprising about the positive reviews gained by The Founding Brothers. After all, with the pervasiveness of the linear or historiographic approach, there is no doubt that the book’s manner of presentation can be characterized as a breath of fresh air. Ellis’ novel approach enabled him to indirectly give a general and probably in many ways, different accounts of history by being able to pick only six of all specific stories that could have contributed to history. This indicates not only deep knowledge of the personal lives of some characters as some reviewers point out, but also indicates a deep insight of what transpired in history as well as what as its implications and consequences. While it is true that Ellis was able to make the book more interesting to the general readers, it is arguable that the book’s â€Å"indifferent† to others’ version of history is an issue. Ellis does not claim to represent to be a version of other nations’ histories or any nation’s history for that matter. At best, what Ellis book attempts to represent is his own interpretation of history considering everything that he studied, and analyzed both as writer, researcher and historian. ENLIGHTENING Interpretations of history can be different depending on the manner of its presentation. In schools, and even in colleges, these founders are usually depicted as saints, sometimes even to the point of idolatry. Ellis presentation of these founders is an attempt to humanize them in the minds of the readers. In the end, they are not depicted purely as models of idealism, motivated by pure goodwill and love for the country, but as politicians who regardless of their real motives are affected by conflicting circumstances, and sometimes real ambition. ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT The book is already enjoyable as it is despite whatever flaws it may have. One reviewer notes the fact that some point of views, particularly those of the British were not taken into account. The writer personally do not think that such alteration, or any alteration for that matter would be necessary to cause a significant change on the effect that the book had to the readers. References Bobrick, B. (2000). The Brethren. New York Times Online. Retrieved 28 April 2009 from http://www. nytimes. com/books/00/12/10/reviews/001210. 10bobrict. html? scp=1&sq=founding%20brothers%20review%20ellis&st=cse. Ellis, J. (2001). Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. Alfred Knopf: New York. Hodgson, G. (2002). The Apostles of the US Brought to Life. The Independent Online. Retrieved 28 Apriil 2009 from http://www. independent. co. uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/founding-brothers–the-revolutionary-generation-by-joseph-j-ellis-750973. html.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Biblical Similarities in Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter” Essay

Biblical Similarities in Hawthorne’s â€Å"Rappaccini’s DaughterIn Nathanial Hawthorne’s â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter,† many biblical parallels can be found. This short story duplicates the first three chapters of Genesis in the Bible. The similarities range from the characters, to the setting, and even to the deadly plant in the story. The account of Adam and Eve in Genesis chapters 1-3 is extremely similar to the situation of Giovanni and Beatrice in â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†. In both â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† and the Genesis chapters in the Bible, lush, beautiful gardens are the setting. Both gardens are exotic and pretty, but the Garden of Eden is bright and tropical, whereas Dr. Rappaccini’s garden is dark and mysterious. Both gardens are home to a type of â€Å"forbidden† plant, but the Garden of Eden was created by God, whereas the garden in the story is created by a man with a god complex, Dr. Rappaccini. The forbidden plant in Genesis is a gorgeous fruit tree. The tree in the Garden of Eden is called the Tree of Knowledge and was extremely tempting to Adam and Eve. However, the tree was deemed prohibited by God. The plant in Rappaccini’s garden is a large flowering bush. The flowers on this bush are unlike any others and are extremely exquisite. The two plants share the trait of â€Å"forbidden,† but in different ways. The fruit on the tree in Genesis was forbidden because God said so. The plant in Rappaccini’s garden was forbidden because it was poisonous. The only person immune to the poison of this plant was Beatrice, then soon Giovanni. In Hawthorne’s story, a parallel between Giovanni and Adam is established. Both are young men, and each were tempted by a beautiful young woman. Giovanni in Hawthorne’s story was lured into the garden by Beatrice’s beauty. Adam was lured by Eve’s beauty to betray God. Beatrice and Eve also share similarities. They both are beautiful and young and are naà ¯ve to the evils of the world they live in. The serpent in â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† is clearly represented by Dr. Rappaccini and Professor Pietro Baglioni. Dr. Rappaccini is responsible for luring Giovanni into the garden for his daughter, and also for exposing him to the toxin that led to him becoming like Beatrice, poisonous and stuck in the garden. Professor Pietro Baglioni is responsible for giving Giovanni the silver vial with the supposed antidote for the poisons. When Giovanni gives Beatrice the vial she then dies because the poison is too entwined with her body. Sadly, she was not given a second chance like Adam and Eve. The story of â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter† is an extremely enjoyable story with close biblical ties. The parallels are extremely apparent and also very important. What seems to be a story simply of fatal love is quite possibly a retelling of the opening chapter of Genesis in the Bible.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Project Management Plan Success

Review the list of reasons why plans fail as described in Ch. 11 of Project Management. Which of these reasons applies to defining and sequencing activities? As a project manager, what steps may you take to prevent your plan from failing? There are many reasons why plans fail to succeed. In discussing our answers to this question, Team C felt that in the list of reasons on why plans fail, poor planning would be on top of the list. When there are no attempts in pushing forward with already made plans, the project is bound to fail. Another reason why project plans fail is because the data in which plans are based are insufficient making it difficult for project managers to take control and give out orders. With insufficient data, the project’s scope would seize to exist. Along with not have an identified scope, the team would not know the ultimate objective of the project, and because of this, people will work towards different directions rather than one common goal. It is important that the reasons on the list are taken care of or prevented. This can be done during the defining and sequencing process. As a project manager, the steps we discussed that are necessary to be taken in order to prevent a plan from failing would be to properly develop a project’s plan. This would include defining each activity’s relevance to the project. By doing so, there is a stated initiative as well as a reason why the project is being done. In order to have a properly developed plan, we would hold a kick off meeting, which would discuss the expectations of every team member, have the purpose clearly conveyed to the team, as well as build strong and positive team energy. There would be frequent follow-ups in order to assure that each step is being completed to getting the project finished. Lastly, we would offer rewards as incentives for the team to complete their tasks efficiently and on time.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Death is my best theme Essay

â€Å"Death is my best theme, don’t you think? † (Williams). Explore the varied uses Tennesse Williams makes of death and dieing in â€Å"A Streetcar Names Desire† Referring to â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, I completely agree that death is Williams’ best theme, closely followed by sex. There are many references to death as well as imagery and symbolism. He also uses many varied points on death. The first major speech about death is when Blanche is talking about her losing Belle Reve – â€Å"Blanche: All of those deaths! The long parade to the graveyard! Father, mother! Margaret, that dreadful way! So big with it, it couldn’t be put in a coffin! † This is the first thing that Blanche says that has any power and real feeling behind it and the topic is death. This is showing that death is going to play a large part in the feeling in and behind the story. â€Å"Blanche: You just came home in time for the funerals, Stella. And funerals are pretty compared to deaths. Funerals are quiet, but deaths-not always. † Stella is being associated with the funerals and Blanche with the deaths. This is showing Stella being quiet and Blanche being louder and more highly strung as that is how she has described the difference in her speech. Although on the outside this speech made by Blanche may sound like she is just talking about the deaths of all her family members but it is also relating to the death of Belle Reve and how the two are connected – â€Å"Blanche: How in hell do you think all that sickness and dying was paid for? Death is expensive, Miss Stella! † She describes death in quite a lot of detail in this speech; it is showing that death is going to become an important topic in this play. A lot of the deaths seem to be because of the men and their gambling and this could be a view of Williams’. – â€Å"Blanche: Honey-that’s how it slipped through my fingers! Which of them left us a fortune? † In â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire† a lot of the times when death is being discussed, sex seems to come into the conversation to. There is a strange relation between sex and death here. – â€Å"I let the place go? Where were you. In bed with your-Polak! † This is not the strongest reference to death and sex combined although it is a slight one. A much stronger one is Blanche’s speech about her late husband- â€Å"Blanche: Then I found out in the worst of all possible ways. By coming suddenly into a room that I though was empty-which wasn’t empty, but had two people in it†¦. † â€Å"Blanche: He’d stuck the revolver into his mouth, and fired-so that the back of his head had been-blown away! † Seeing her husband have sex with another man and then blow his head off within the time span of two hours causes a strange equation and connection between sex and death. The way he killed himself could also be perceived as a homosexual reference – sticking the gun in his mouth. â€Å"A vendor comes around the corner. She is a blind MEXICAN WOMAN in a dark shawl, carrying bunches of those gaudy tin flowers that lower class Mexicans display at funerals and other festive occasions. † Here, the woman carrying the funeral flowers is symbolising two things – Death and Blanche. It is ambiguous whether or not any of the other characters can see or are aware of the presence of the Mexican woman except from Blanche. Blanche’s thoughts seem to be provoked by the Mexican woman and it almost seems as if the Mexican woman is a representation of Blanche herself, and the Mexican woman is walking around celebrating death which shows the death within Blanche’s past and presence. â€Å"Mexican Woman: Corones para los muertos. Corones†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Blanche: Legacies! Huh†¦. And other things such as blood-stained pillow-slips† You can really see Blanche going mad in this scene as she is almost talking to herself rather than to Mitch and this symbolises the dying of Blanche’s mind. She also has fragmented speech patterns here and if talking about incoherent memories that only she can really understand. – â€Å"Blanche: -and on the way back they would all stagger on to my lawn and call-â€Å"Blanche! Blanche! † – The deaf old lady remaining suspected nothing. But sometimes I slipped outside to answer their calls†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Later the paddy-wagon would gather them up like daisies†¦. the long way home†¦. † Another view on death Tennesse Williams uses is the death of Belle Reve. Shown using Blanche and Stanley, there is a clash between two worlds and the Belle Reve world is dying communicated by Stanley taking power of Blanche and bringing her into their world and getting rid of her airs and graces. He breaks her and makes her realise that her old way of living is dead and that she has to enter the real world. â€Å"In A Streetcar Named Desire the conflict between two ways of life is concentrated within the battle between Blanche and Stanley. The old civilisation vested in Blanche is demonstrably decadent; her only means of survival in the modern world is to batten onto someone else and live off their emotional, physical and material resources, like a decorative fungus. † (Commentary). â€Å"Blanche: I will die – with my hand in the hand of some nice-looking ship’s doctor, a very young one with a small blond moustache and a big silver watch. † â€Å"Blanche: And I’ll be buried at sea sewn up in a clean white sack and dropped overboard-at noon-in the blaze of summer-and into an ocean as blue as (chimes again) my first lover’s eyes. † Blanche brings the equation of sex and death together again here as she is planning of dieing with a man by her side. This speech made by Blanche nearing the end of the play also has a slight reference to Othelia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet†. Othelia died in water and that is what Blanche is dreaming about doing. – â€Å"Queen: One woe doth tread upon another’s heel, So fast they follow. Your sister’s drown’d, Laertes. Laer: Drown’d? O, where? † (Hamlet). In conclusion Tennesse Williams uses a lot of different views on death, the connection between sex, the death of other things except people like the death of Belle Reve and Blanche’s mind, and the death of people who happen to all be someone in Blanche’s Past. Williams uses different angles to express the theme of death, symbolism of the death of Belle Reve, the Mexican woman symbolising the death of Blanche’s mind, and the outward talking of real death of people. This makes it an important topic as it depicted in so many ways. Death is defiantly in the running for Tennesse Williams’ best theme in â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Pepsi or Coke From Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pepsi or Coke From - Research Paper Example The current ratio for Pepsi is 1.09. Current ratio measures the ability of the firm to pay its current liability using the current asset. Current asset is the most liquid form of asset that a firm can easily turn into cash. Current liabilities are short term payable in a period less than a year for example short term loan. From the ratios, Coca-Cola has a lower current ratio compared to Pepsi. The lower current ratio for coca-cola is an indication that the firm is not doing well in its current liability management compared to Pepsi. When the current ratio is low, it means Coca-Cola may not be able to meet its current liability obligation using the current asset. As a result, Coca-Cola may resolve to use other sources of financing to cover its current liabilities. Lower current ratio is an indication of inefficiency in managing assets of the firm. On the other hand, Pepsi has a higher current ratio than coca cola. A comparison of the two reveals that Pepsi is doing better than her rival coca-cola in managing its current ratio. A higher current ratio is an indication that Pepsi can meet its current liabilities more comfortably using its current asset. The current creditors can be more confident with on their payment. The creditors are assured of timely payment due to enough current assets to meet the firm’s current obligation. Also, in case of dissolution, current asset can be used to pay current debtors with more ease. Further, a high current ratio increases the credit worthiness of the firm and in this case Pepsi has higher credit worthiness than coca-cola. This is attributed to the firms not having most of its assets tied in fixed asset thus quicker to liquidate the current asset to meet current obligation. The profitability ratios calculated in the appendix are the return on asset and return on equity. Return on asset is the ratio of net income to average total asset. It measures how much revenue is earned from application of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Indigenous People and the Right to Self Determination Essay

Indigenous People and the Right to Self Determination - Essay Example The descendants of these indigenous people live in different parts of the world especially in the arctic and southern part of the pacific. This is according to those individuals that came to reside in countries earlier during which time people encompassing diversified cultures or even diversified ethnic origins arrived. Indigenous people include some Americans, the Aleutians and Inuit who reside in circumpolar region, northern Europe’s Saami, Australia’s Torres Strait Islanders and Aborigines as well as New Zealand’s Maori. As such, they have a history of unique characteristics retention and as such, these characteristics are by far differentiated when compared to those of other population segments (Ivison, Patton, & Sanders 2000). The U.N once asserted that, it is the identification of the indigenous people that can be regarded fruitful but not concentrating on trying to establish their definition. As such, the U.N based this on the criterion of self identificat ion, which is the most fundamental approach underlain in the documents that spell out the rights of a human (Shaw 2003). The fact that the indigenous people show distinct characteristics should be taken as a positive thing and as such, they must be protected by the international law. Therefore, there are several rights which are stipulated to protect them (Shaw 2003). Such a right is the right to self determination. Self determination can be described as a principle entailed in the law applying internationally whereby, it spell out the right to choose the political status of the entire world as well as the sovereignty. During the making of the choice, there should be no any form of manipulation in the form of external compulsions and interference (Suseno, Tri & Komnas HAM (Indonesia) 2006). The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of the indigenous people and thereby establishing ways in which these individuals can enforce their self determination rights. To understand the right to self determination of the indigenous people, it is better to look at the case between the Lubicon Lake Band and Canada whereby the communication which was submitted by Bernard Ominayak, who at that time was the chief of Lubicon Lake Band resulted to a decision being made by the committee handling the case (Suseno., Tri & Komnas HAM (Indonesia) 2006). As such, in that decision, a judgement was passed out that article 27 had a quotation of rights and as such, it spelled out the persons rights who reside in a community together with other people ought to give a hand in matters concerning the economic as well as social activities (Dersso 2010). The article made a clarity emphasis that these activities should be part and parcel of the culture of the society in which they reside in. At that time, the Lubicon Lake Band had its way of life put under threat and this indeed violated article 27 (Dyson, Hendriks & Grant 2007). Claiming capacity for the self determination right by the i ndigenous people is the most important focus point. If indeed these individuals were given a green light to exercise the underlying capacity, then they would in a consistent push for rights associated to autonomy, which encompasses the danger related to succession (Dyson. Hendriks & Grant 2007). The indigenous persons are entitled to a standard set in regard to protection and of which puts the basis on the combination of customary law applying internationally as well as legal instruments. In order to ensure that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Psychology-Personality Assessment and Theories Essay - 1

Psychology-Personality Assessment and Theories - Essay Example tors include upbringing, environmental factors, physiological factors and various cognitive processes that are responsible for giving rise to a certain behaviour or trait of an individual. In order to further define personalities they are divided into psychological classifications of different people. (Engler, 2008) Personality types actually originated from different sets of personality traits and these types also signify the degree or intensity of the set of traits that characterize the personality type. The notion of personality types emerged from the theoretical works and researches of a renowned psychologist named Carl Jung. According to the Jungian theory of personality, the unconscious plays a great role in the molding and shaping the characteristics of an individual and it is the unconscious thought processes that give rise t various conscious thoughts and cognitions. (Wilde, 2011) Is theories had strong concurrences with the Freudian theory of personality, but the schism between the two theorists was their beliefs regarding the factors that constituted an individual’s unconscious and as Freud was largely focused on sexual desires and interactions between humans, whereas Jung just deemed it another component of the unconscious and not the most fundamental one as Freud thought it to be. Therefore, to illustrate this aspect of his theory, and people can easily find the class that their personality falls into by taking a simple test. There have been a number of speculations regarding the validity and reliability of these tests but they d serve their purpose in providing ample amount of insight into an individual’s personality. (Wilde, 2011 & Plante, 2010, p. 115) Jung classified various types of personalities and this theory was further developed by Katherine Myers and her daughter Isabella Briggs, and drafted out a test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator that consisted of 72 questions that enabled an individual to describe the degree of intensity

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reflective Learning Log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflective Learning Log - Essay Example Every new type of problem literally gives me a blackout and I need to rest my brain periodically. It is very tough to start work and I tend to procrastinate as much as possible. Only repetitive problems are enjoyable for me. Mental calculations are very difficult and I have to use calculator even for simple addition and subtraction unlike many of my classmates. Essay writing is relatively easy but here again the structured essays are difficult to master especially writing introduction, body and conclusion. I have yet to fully grasp reference style both in text citation and reference list at the end of the essay. The time after classes is spent in gossiping and lounging around with friends. On coming to the room, the computer games and internet beckon me and I spend most of the room immersed in the computer either playing games or surfing the net for entertainment. At the end of the day when I discover that assigned work needs to be completed, I usually work late and study half heartedly which makes it difficult to wake up on time for the next day. These logs have given me tremendous feedback. My attention and concentration in class was always good, yet I had never consolidated on my quick grasping ability. Now I have realized that despite having reasonably good IQ why I was not performing as well as I could have. I know now that just understanding the concepts is not sufficient to get good grades or master a subject. Following were the positive outcomes of my reflective learning: Focus-Once I started writing down the logs of my class studies and reviewing my study pattern, I realized that it was possible for me to change my habits to provide for more number of study hours during the daytime. I was able to eliminate the wasteful activities and start work much faster. I started spending time in the morning planning my day, writing down my plan and checking the achievements at the end of the day. It was difficult initially

Monday, September 9, 2019

Homers Achilles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homers Achilles - Essay Example Achilles was killed by Paris of Troy who was avenging his brother Hector's death. Paris has been termed a coward in some literature because he took advantage of Archilles' weakest spot and killed him by an arrow to his heel. Sophocles' Greek character, Philoctetes, resembles Achilles because he was wounded in his foot. His injury did not cure. Philoctetes was about to participate in the Trojan war when he was bitten by a snake on his foot. He suffered great pain and the wound smelled bad. His superior, Odysseus, betrays him and leaves him behind on an island called Lemnos. It seems Philoctetes' has an 'Achilles heel' too because his weak spot on his foot refused to heal. However, Philoctetes, unlike Achilles, does not die from his foot injury. It seems that the pain in his foot was linked to his reception of Heracles' bow. For when Neoptolemus tried to deceive Philoctetes and steal his Heracles' bow, the pain in his foot magnified. Neoptolemus took pity upon him and returned his bow. Philoctetes fought in the Trojan war. As a reward from the gods, his foot was cured of pain, smell and disease. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus. She was a brave heroine who tried to bury her slain brother Polyneices, against the orders of Creon, Haemon's father. Her lover, Haemon, defended her actions and committed suicide after her death. Haemon's mother, Eurydice, killed herself because of grief. Creon gives up his life to his enemies.

Synopsis on the Broadway Musical Wicked Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Synopsis on the Broadway Musical Wicked - Essay Example She tells Elphaba that she may meet the Wizard of OZ, a great honor. Elphaba insists that Madame Morrible include Galinda in the Sorcery classes. This act touches Galinda and she declares Elphaba her best friend. Galinda falls in love with Fiyero, a handsome prince. Fiyero, however, encounters Elphaba and falls in love with her instead. Elphaba involves herself in fighting for the rights of animals in OZ. She eventually meets the Wizard of OZ and realizes he is behind the oppression of the animals. Madame Morrible, who works for the wizard, pronounces Elphaba wicked when she refuses to join forces with the Wizard. Elphaba flies to the West as a manhunt is launched for her. Years later, Elphaba returns to OZ. She laments that everyone she ever cared about is dead because of her. Galinda, now Glinda the Good, tries to save Elphaba from the mob, but Elphaba resists. She asks Glinda to tell the true story of her life, as she is doomed to be seen as evil by society. Dorothy bursts in and melts Elphaba with water. In the Emerald City, the wizard realizes he is Elphaba’s father when Glinda gives him Elphaba’s bottle, which is similar to his. It is revealed that the floor where Elphaba melted was a trapdoor beneath which she hid. Elphaba and Fiyero escape from OZ and live happily ever

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Take home assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Take home assignment - Essay Example The selection of the contrasting colours for the statue of liberty and the background alows for the best visibility feature of the statue. The same fetaure applies to the fountain and the background (front of the plaza). The selection of the colors is highly relevant in enhancing the visibility of the features and assurance of excellent appreciation by audience. The statue of liberty has compounded demerits on visibility at various times of the day. In the morning while the sun is rising and seting , the background would typically be shiny and therefore the featur is not well visible. The selection of the white colour for the statue of librty is properly suited for skyblue days which perhaps is expected for most of the days. On contrary, the plaza front visibility was designed to suit both day and night as there is artificial lighting at night. The painting appear highly imposing to most viewers from CPA. I had not noticed it before and msot people most do not appear to notice it. I think the painting is designed to be seen from far place so as to appreciate the essence of art and entailed painting. My ansewers to the previous questioners would encourage the painter to hang his paintings on this point due to excellent selelction of colours for backgrround and highlighted feature. I have noted and observed clear linking of architecture and enhanced aesthetics achievenment through entailing of proper colors for the building and proper visibility for movemnet of the people. The visibility of the painting changes at various times of the day. It is highly visible at night from outside. The designer wanted the painter to be highly appreciated by audience at night and also help in enancing of visibility for moving

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Psle in Singapore Debate Essay Example for Free

Psle in Singapore Debate Essay In this commentary, I chose my artefact as a newspaper article on PSLE stress because of many reasons. 1) I had always harbored a strong interest on what everyone is saying about this hot topic and it seemed very interesting, stating just one problem that Singapore currently face. 2) Other than that, it is a topic that is easy to research, unlike some historic things which are little-mentioned (e.g. the banana note, the merdeka talks,etc) 3) Last but not least,it is a topic that is widely discussed on and more sources can be found My view on the issue of PSLE Singaporeans have long since been debating whether to remove PSLE. I personally do not think that PSLE should be removed. On the issue of abolishing PSLE, my concern is if we do not have the PSLE, when it comes to the entrance to secondary schools, how do you decide who goes to which school? I sometimes wish we were a bit like Hogwarts in Harry Potter, where you have the sorting hat that decides which house you go to. But in reality, we do not have a sorting hat and how do we decide who goes to which school? If you did not do it according to grades and scores, how would you do it? Another way would be to do it geographically, where you go into the secondary school nearest to your home, but if you did that, everybody will be fighting to be in the primary school near the secondary school you want to be in. PSLE assess how much you have learnt over the six years in primary school and then allocates you to a secondary school according to your abilities and/or choice. If you remove it, you might as well say to remove all exams. On abolishing PSLE, lets presume we do away with it, then how do we decide who goes to which school? If which school you are going is decided on does the Principal know your father or your mother? then its not a very meritocratic system nor is it acceptable. It is totally, I think, against Singapore’s system. If it is to be decided by the distance and you live very near a very good school, can you imagine the pressure to enter a primary school that is near the secondary school you want to go to. If a sudent had done very badly, but he or she stays very near a good secondary school, he would get in, but a person who did better and stays lets say 10km away would not be able to enter if according to that policy. Imagine how disappointed he or she will feel. One question, is that fair? No doubt many people would say it is not.There is a whole range of scenarios that will come up if Singapore removes PSLE as the sorting exam. The question is how will Singapore deal with it? The real angst about PSLE is the pressure, and the real reason why you have the pressure is that parents perceive that certain schools will give the advantage of getting into university. So, the answer would maybe be to try to make sure that across the board, every school is a good school and that society should change their mindset that a child needs to get into a good school in order to get into university ( which acoording to a survey, is a goalfor many paents. One of the goals of the Singapore government would be ( I think)to make sure that no matter which school students go to, you have a chance to get into a university and even if you do not get into a university, the other options are also pathways to success. I hope that under this system, each person can be the best he or she can be, whether or not that person has a university degree. Why is PSLE bad? 1)Poor education system However, just because I do not think PSLE should be removed doesn’t mean that I totally think it should remain the same. I think, PSLE should not have such a big effect on what type of school a secondary student goes to. In PSLE, the focus tends to be on the aggregate score, which reports each students overall performance in comparison with the entire cohort. Its called a T-score, or transformed score. Its derived through a certain computation and basically provides a ranking of the entire cohort.* The T-score itself doesnt actually tell the student how well he has performed in each subject or across all the subjects. In affect, it is a queue number. Thus, I think, to put the stress off the students shoulder a little. PSLE should form only about 35% of the final grades. This system also has its benefits as the students will not be so focused on the final examination. They might slack for five years and only start to really work when they are in primary 6. I have the same opinion on all the other major exams too. Also, more weight should be placed on continual assessments, conducted on every semester. Everything is more manageable when it is broken into small parts. This will reduce stress amongst students, and allow individual topics to get the attention deserved. Right now, PSLE encourages parents and students to â€Å"spot† possible exam questions, and prepare for those to the exclusion of all else. If every years mark have a large part in the final grade, the students will be more encouraged to work hard and it will be more competitive, resulting in better and smarter young Singaporeans, allowing the country to prosper more. This can happen if we followed the education system that I mentioned other than using other means like, tuition, etc 2)Encourages poor methods of studying Also, PSLE studying and actual learning have had a bad divorce. The methods common to passing PSLE are: †¢ Ask how, not why. †¢ Dont experiment or try to be original. Follow whats worked before, and just copy. †¢ Learn only exam topics. Treat everything else as unimportant. †¢ Memorize model answers, as if theyre cheat codes for a video game. Teachers who try to stray from the path are hammered down. Theres no room for exploration, discourse, or general knowledge. Its not that students are unaware of this. They know these are bad teaching methods. But the importance of PSLE results overshadows their awareness. When an exam threatens to determine most of a childs future, fear drives the curriculum (this has happened to me before) On the topic of tuition Ideally, the aim of the education system is that you should be able to pass your exams without tuition. That said, many parents still think that it is necessary for children to have tuition in order for them to do better; not in all the schools but certainly in a percentage of them. My view is that it should not be the case that because you cannot afford tuition you should not be able to pass your exam, which is why MOE has introduced the Learning Support Programmes in schools, mentioned by Minister of education minister Heng at the last Committee Of Supply Debate. The schools are putting a lot more resources to help students who have difficulty with subjects to help them level up. People generally think that Singapore has a good education system and that we are not deprived of a good education. But I do get the sense that many people think that the learning field is not level. The running track (describing the field in which where Singaporeans learn) is the same for everybody. It is just that those from the less affluent backgrounds are coming on with the plain sneakers and the one from the better affluent ones are coming with the branded sneakers which give you more comfort and support. The idea is that, if the playing field is not equal because there are some students who come from families with better resources, then for those students who do not come from families with better resources, at least you help them to level up so that they get a chance to do well. How can Singaporeans adopt a less stressful approach to the PSLE? I like to make a distinction between status and stature. Status is about our relative importance or merit in comparison to other people, who might or might not be better than yourself; assessment sometimes will tell us about academic status. In contrast, stature is inherent, not comparative. Its about doing the best that you can, and recognising your intrinsic potential. Assessment should also help us develop our stature, and not our status. I know from my own experience how a drop of status badly affects my confidence. I hope this for every teacher and parent: To think and work hard about raising the stature of your children, and not just try to raise their status. Conclusion My conclusion for this is that the PSLE should not be scrapped but should be changed to a better and less stressful exam. So, the format should be changed to one more like the O levels. In the O levels, how well you do within a grade does not matter, just as long you get that particular grade. Once you score an A1, you will not be disadvantaged when compared to a student who has scored A1 with a higher score. I think this should be the model system for the PSLE. Thus , I end my commentary and hope (emphasis) you have enjoyed reading it.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Decision making Essay Example for Free

Decision making Essay My personal ethics development has been a process and it has changed over the years from people influencing me and myself maturing. As a child, I was raised well by my mother who always taught me to do the right thing when no one was looking. She always made sure I respected my elders and had good manners. I went to a Catholic school when I was in grade school and high school. My family and I would go to church every Sunday and have dinner together every night. My family always taught me to have good values and morals, to be a part of the community in a productive way. The people that raised me in my earlier life played a huge importance on the man I have become. At this point of my life ,I thought my compass was true north as we heard Mr. O’Rourke talk about in the video lecture. I had strong values at all times or at least I thought I did. As my life went on I realized that my compass was north ,but it wasnt true north. I still had room to grow and become more mature in my decision-making. Sometimes it can be very hard to judge how ethic you are like a person because you are judging yourself. I graduated high school and soon after that I decided that I was going to join the Army instead of going to college. I was 19 years old when I joined the United States Army and enlisted for four years. The minute I arrived to boot camp I was introduced to the seven Army values which are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. We had to memorize these army values ,as well as The Soldiers Creed and Warrior ethos. The warrior ethos is, I will always place the mission first, I will never quit, I will never accept defeat, and I will never leave a fallen comrade. Every morning we would stand information and have to repeat these creeds and Army values as a group. At the time ,I did not understand why it was suppose important memorize all these things. They would make us do team building exercises, where you would have to trust your fellow Soldiers. Then the next six years of my life will change how I looked at my moral decision making for the rest of my life. I went to Iraq when I was 20 for a 15-month tour and came back 22 years old. Within those six years ,I deployed to Iraq three deferent times for a total of 33 months. While you are deployed in a war situation you will be faced with unethical decisions on a daily basis this is where you got to separate your religious and personal ethics with your jobs ethics. Sometimes you need to make a decision based on a duty-based principal, were right and wrong is determined by an outside source. You do things you don’t necessarily believe in ,but its for the better of the workplace, work or in this case for the Army. I look back to the days of basic training and throughout the nine years I have been in the Army and I realize why the Army puts so must stress on values. We have classes all the time on ethics, decision-making and critical thinking. The Army prepares you for the hard decisions you are going to have to make with using sound judgment and values. All the training I received from the Army and them instilling values and standards in my brain helped me to always make ethical decisions in the most distraught instances. It helped me that I was raised with good ethics, morals, and values. It made the transition in the Army easier for myself than some of the other Soldiers. The Army is a perfect example of just because you were raised with bad ethics or values do not mean that you will always live that way. People are brought in from all over the world and have to work with each other on a daily basis and trust each other. The Army will teach you how to have good ethics and values. I see people change all the time over the course of time. They will make you have a role model character once they make you believe in the values and ethics. I am not saying everyone will change or will be able to change but if a person truly wants to change they can change with strong leaders in place with good characters. Ethics is crucial in the business world because there is so much room for corruption and misbehavior in the workplace. There is many chances to make unethical decisions in business that is why it is so important to have mandatory training and have people who believe in you work for you. Every company or business needs to come up with some policy such as code to ethics in the workplace environment. Just cause someone grew up a bad apple does not mean that the person is going to be a bad apple there whole life. People who impact them throughout their lives can change them or a certain job with high ethic standards could change their point of view. It could be as simple as one person who influences that person for them to change to the perspective on their ethics. Without ethics in organizations, there would be no sense of trust among employees and as well with customers. You want to know your employees are making ethical decisions because you cannot watch everyone that works for you all the time. You want them to act the same way whether you are in a room with them or a thousand miles away. It is your responsibility as a leader to influence these people and instill these values and ethics in them. You need to make your employees believe in you and your ideas. Throughout my life ,I feel I have had strong morals but many people have influenced me in a positive way. Most people just need positive influences in their life to shape them to have good strong ethics. I was just lucky enough to have these people in my life from an early age and throughout my life. I have never been the person who does things for entitlement-based, I do not find myself making decisions solely on the basis of what is best for myself.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Introduction to Alcohol Addiction Theories

Introduction to Alcohol Addiction Theories Alcohol Addiction Addiction in general, though this paper will focus on alcohol specifically, is characterized by a chronic relapse state that embodies key elements, such as the compulsion to seek out and use the drug, the inability to control the amount used, and a negative emotional state when the substance cannot be accessed (Gilpin and Koob, 2008). Alcohol consumption evolves from impulsive to compulsive through repeated binging, withdrawal, and craving cycles, which cause neuroadaptations (Cui et al., 2013; Koob, 2013). Research on the neurobiology of addiction has focused on the positive reinforcing effects and the activation of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuit being the sole motivator. The mesolimbic system (the primary reward circuit) projects from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and utilizes dopamine as its main neurotransmitter (Gilpin and Koob 2008). This circuit helps shape incentive salience, better known as the wanting or desire for alcohol (Robinson Berridge, 1993; Berridge, 2007). Oral ethanol self-administration is reduced by the administration of dopamine and NMDA receptor antagonists into the nucleus accumbens (Rassnick 1992). Weiss et al measured dopamine levels in the extracellular fluid of the NAcc and showed alcohol ingestion or even the anticipation of alcohol causes an increase in dopamine (Weiss et al. 1993). However, Rassnick also demonstrated that positive reinforcement alone does not motivate alcohol consumption while using a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesions of the mesolimbic dopamine system did not block alcohol self administration (Rassnick et al. 1993). Even in the presence of administered methylphenidate, subjects experiencing alcohol withdrawal show lowered levels of dopamine by 50-70%, as compared to controls; withdrawal causes decreases in dopamine function and the neuroadaptations that lead to a hypodopaminergic state during withdrawal (Karkhanis 2015 CIE ethanol exposure reduces presynaptic DOPAMINE NEUROTRANSMISSION IN THE MOUSE NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS; Volkow et al. 2007 Profound decreases in dopamine release in striatum in detoxified alcoholics: possible orbitofrontal involvement.). In the early stages of alcohol use and abuse, positive reinforcement acts as the main motivating factor in alcohol-drinking behavior. However, at some point chronic alcohol exposure causes a shift from alcohol use to alcohol dependence that parallels the switch from positive reinforcement to a mixture of both positive and negative as the motivating factor behind alcohol use; this is caused by neural changes, or plasticity, that chronic alcohol exposure elicits (Gilpin and Koob, 2008). There are three widely recognized stages of alcohol use that overlap and ultimately contribute to the progressive transition from alcohol use to alcohol dependence. They are: 1) binge and intoxication, 2) withdrawal and negative affect, and 3) pre-occupation and anticipation, better known as craving (Volkow et al., 2016). Neuroadaptations within the addiction circuitry and the progressive transition from alcohol use to dependence hinge on the repeated cycling of these three stages. Three phenomena contribute to the progression of alcohol use disorders and the shift from positive reinforcement to both positive and negative reinforcement as motivators for alcohol use. They are sensitization, tolerance, and withdrawal. Drug sensitization, which is the opposite of tolerance, refers to the individuals increased stimulus that occurs when the same amount of substance is taken as before; this leads to the cue-induced craving. When it takes more alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication, as a smaller amount used to, then the subject has developed a tolerance. Withdrawal is the outward presentation of neural changes and happens when adverse effects occur in the absence of the substance, such as insomnia, delirium tremors, anxiety, and seizures. As these elements of addiction repeat, the disease progresses and spirals more out of control (Gilpin 2008)

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Free Essays - Survival in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Free Essay - Survival in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn    In literature, authors have created characters that have traits that contributes to their survival in society. The qualities of shredders, adaptability, and basic human kindness enables the character Huckleberry Finn, in Mark Twain's novel The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn to survive in his environment.   The purpose of this paper is to depict the importance of these traits or qualities to his survival.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Huckleberry Finn is able to confront complex situations because he is shrewd. Nothing is more natural or more necessary than his ability to lie.   In certain situations I will discuss how he must lie because the circumstances forced him to deception and lies and evasions are the only weapons he has to protect himself from those who are physically stronger than he. The creativity, common sense, and understanding of people of different classes give him the edge he needs to survive in a rather harsh society.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Living with Ms. Watson and Widow Douglas, Huck has adjusted his life to that of a civilized society. Huck illustrates his shrewd thinking when he see signs that indicates his father is back. Being afraid of his father, he gives all of his money to Judge Thatcher to avoid being persecuted by his father. Protecting himself was his number one priority; he knew that if his father got the money he would get drunk and in return would abuse him. His father drunkenness become a threat to his life later on in the story and by stopping him from getting the money, he stopped his father from being an abuser at that point and time.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pap, Huck's father returns to town to get custody of his son because he here of Huck's fortune, finally resorting to the kidnapping. Huck is locked in the cabin when Pap is not around; once he was locked up for three days. At this point and time Huck was being neglected and abuse; his father had no idea what his abusive behavior was doing to Huck until he escapes. Pap became so abusive(not realizing it because of he is always drunk), that he almost kills his son in the cabin, thinking he was the angel of death. This incident forces Huck to realize that his father is an Free Essays - Survival in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays Free Essay - Survival in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn    In literature, authors have created characters that have traits that contributes to their survival in society. The qualities of shredders, adaptability, and basic human kindness enables the character Huckleberry Finn, in Mark Twain's novel The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn to survive in his environment.   The purpose of this paper is to depict the importance of these traits or qualities to his survival.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Huckleberry Finn is able to confront complex situations because he is shrewd. Nothing is more natural or more necessary than his ability to lie.   In certain situations I will discuss how he must lie because the circumstances forced him to deception and lies and evasions are the only weapons he has to protect himself from those who are physically stronger than he. The creativity, common sense, and understanding of people of different classes give him the edge he needs to survive in a rather harsh society.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Living with Ms. Watson and Widow Douglas, Huck has adjusted his life to that of a civilized society. Huck illustrates his shrewd thinking when he see signs that indicates his father is back. Being afraid of his father, he gives all of his money to Judge Thatcher to avoid being persecuted by his father. Protecting himself was his number one priority; he knew that if his father got the money he would get drunk and in return would abuse him. His father drunkenness become a threat to his life later on in the story and by stopping him from getting the money, he stopped his father from being an abuser at that point and time.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pap, Huck's father returns to town to get custody of his son because he here of Huck's fortune, finally resorting to the kidnapping. Huck is locked in the cabin when Pap is not around; once he was locked up for three days. At this point and time Huck was being neglected and abuse; his father had no idea what his abusive behavior was doing to Huck until he escapes. Pap became so abusive(not realizing it because of he is always drunk), that he almost kills his son in the cabin, thinking he was the angel of death. This incident forces Huck to realize that his father is an